Stories of Hope ! you support us : We Support For All...

After 20 years services the organization have been found flowing changes in the operational areas and out of operational areas

  • The women of the society are getting respect in the marginal families as they become organised and earning members of the family.
  • Trafficking in the name of marriage is reducing in the society as awareness level of women and leadership quality has been developed.
  • Child labour and early marriages are becoming unacceptable among the community and they become the protester against all these types of massacres as community attitude are changing.
  • Increase participation of the community people in different basic services like PDS, MGNREGS, and School for accessing services of the government.
  • Increasing rate of girl child education in society because the attitude of the marginal people is changing.
  • Increasing habits of the community people on organic farming, preservation of perennial & indigenous verity seed and proper management of   farm and goat rearing, poultry etc in more systematic and scientific way as result their livelihood become ensured.
  • Participation of common people has been increased in different services of the PRI.